Saturday, 23 January 2016

How To Prevent And Repoint Damaged Brickwork


The procedure of repairing scratched or dented mortar in masonry, brick work, and roof tiling is known as tuckpointing. Mortar that is damaged, wrecked, or cracked is a perfect entry point for moisture into your home; and after enough time, this moisture can cause the real damage to the design of your home. As such, tuckpointing is a necessary aspect of home maintenance.

Repointing can be a very time consuming task and even though it may look easy it takes a bit of knowledge and patience to get a finish that compliments the brickwork to its full potential. We would suggest some local service providers with the experience and professionalism to accomplish the best result. However if you want to go down the DIY route, we have integrated a quick guide below to teach you on how to go about your brickwork. 

Initially you will need to remove the old bricks that are loose or damaged. There are many techniques available for removing the old bricks, one of which can be accomplished by using a plugging chisel or small bolster. Very loose stuff can only be raked out with a screwdriver or similar. This can be long process and there are other methods and tools that can make this task easier.

Moreover, tuckpointing seems like a comparatively straightforward job, but there are so many things that need to be made when repairing these bricks. First and foremost, cracks or damage to mortar may not always be visible, so you likely cannot simply repair a few bricks. Indeed, if one brick requires repairing, the chance is there are other bricks that do as well. In addition, there may be many roofing problems that need to be get done and only a skilled roofing expert may be able to spot these problems.

Click Here for More Details about Repointing.

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